Sandal Khus – Natural perfume oil (India)
Mysore Sandalwood Infused with Indian Green Vetiver aka Khus & Thai Oud oil – 100% Pure & Natural
Sandalwood Mysore infused with Indian Vetiver (Khus) & Thai Oud
The idea to infuse Sandal and Khus happened by pure luck, I was testing a batch of Sandalwood oil and happen to apply it on the same area where I had previously applied the Khus. Instantly I fell in love with Sandal Khus and decided to add a touch of Thai Oud from the Borai region
The scent is green, earthy, which develops into sweet and creaminess from the sandal which goes into an endless journey and becomes sweet fruity raisins and oudy notes that you would expect from Thai Ouds.
Lasts for 4 to 6 hours
All our oils come in glass bottles with built in glass applicators.
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