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Shipping policy

We are located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Order handling time: Domestic and international orders are generally shipped within 1 to 2 days (Monday to Saturday).

Transit time: The transit time varies by country, For United Arab Emirate orders the transit time is 1 to 2 days.

Any change to the order can only be done if we are contacted within 1 hour of placing the order.
For international orders we may use DHL or Fedex.

We use flat rate shipping for most countries and the fee will be displayed during checkout. For some orders we may contact you if the weight of the order is more than 1 – 2 kg and this may require an additional charge to be paid.

Domestic UAE deliveries have fixed rate of 25 AED.

Buyers are responsible for any VAT, customs and import taxes that may apply in the importing country and we are not responsible for delays due to customs.

Please review and address entered in the shipping address. We are not responsible for non-delivery due to errors in the address that you provide. If an order is returned due to an incorrect address, we will refund the original order excluding the shipping fee.

We are not responsible for shipping carrier delays.
If you have not received your order withing 10 days of placing the order, please contact us.

Upon completion of your order, you will automatically receive the tracking number and the shipping company name and you can track your orders on the website.
If you need any assistance with the order please email us at

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